Burwood Girls Hills School

A Full ShowPRO Rig for Burwood Girls High School
2021 was the year that Burwood Girls High School in Sydney decided to upgrade their theatre’s sound and lighting system under the professional eye of Live Event Services. Unfortunately, no sooner had the install been almost completed, Covid-19 shut down all of the city’s schools.
“The school contacted us after we were recommended to them by another school we had worked with,” commented Colin Baldwin, Managing Director of Live Event Services. “We met with the drama and dance teachers who gave us an overview of what they required. Based on that we decided to invite them to visit Show Technology’s Sydney headquarters and showroom for a demonstration of the latest LED lighting technology. The teachers were very impressed as the Showtech team demonstrated a wide range of fixtures and control systems.
Other companies were hoping to secure the project but Live Event Services won the install due to their fantastic track record fitting out schools and of course, it was agreed that a range of ShowPRO fixtures controlled by an MA Lighting dot2 Core was the ideal solution.
A motorised FOH Alloy Tri truss was added as LX1 and another static LX bar was added to the existing four static LX bars over the stage. LX1 now houses four ShowPRO Pluto 2000, two ShowPRO Pluto 350 and four ShowPRO LED Profile WW.
The ShowPRO Pluto 2000 wash moving head has an electronic zoom of 4.5°- 36° with refined 16bit dimming, rapid and silent pan & tilt movement and each of the 7x40W RGBW LEDs can be individually controlled.
The ShowPRO Pluto 350 is an LED moving head spot with a 5°- 35°electronic zoom system and all the features you would expect from a professional spot: smooth and precise CMY system, colour wheel, fixed gobo wheel, rotating glass gobo wheel, 3D glass gobos, 4 facet prism, frost and iris.
On LX2, which is also FOH, are three ShowPRO Quad-18 LED Pars and three ShowPRO LED Fresnels WW.

“It’s a typical front lighting set up with Profiles for front of stage coverage, moving spots for gobo projection and moving effects, moving wash lights for room effects and front wash on the stage, RGBW front wash coverage by the Quad-18 LED Pars and good tungsten coverage with the Fresnels,” added Colin. “The cost-effectiveness of the ShowPRO Plutos meant that the school could get more fixtures for their money. They’re a good range of fixtures that deliver plenty of moving light effects, gobo projections and eye candy.”

LX3 holds the projection screen whilst LX4 has three more ShowPRO LED Fresnels and four ShowPRO Quad-12 LED Pars. LX5 features three ShowPRO Pluto 350 and four Pluto 2000. Finally, LX6 has four ShowPRO Quad-12 LED Pars and six ShowPRO LED Cyc2.
Colin further explained that LX4 and LX6 provide backwash coverage with the LED Pars whilst LX3 reinforces the Fresnels on LX2 providing an upstage tungsten wash or they can have coloured gel added if they wish.
“The ShowPRO LED Cyc2s on LX6 are good and great value for money,” he said.
The MA Lighting dot2 Core lighting console was chosen as the teachers found it incredibly simple to use. One of the teachers was programming moving lights in Show Technology’s showroom within 15 minutes!
“It’s good that the students will be learning on the world’s leading control brands,” stated Colin.
Once the school comes out of lockdown, the guys from Live Event Services will return to train staff and students on the correct and safe use of FOH truss, take them through the lighting patch, powering the system on and off and programming the lighting console.